Bring your family

Kids and Youth

Kid Connections

See the many development advantages of bringing your child to First Baptist Church.

Questions about where to go? View our Maps and Directions.

First Kids Jr.

These classes for our little ones meet right next to the Worship Center and are newly renovated. There is secure check-in, and the doors stay locked until you pick up your child. Parents will need to check in all children in the Preschool II room near the North Entry Access.

Led by Beth Jones, Landry Jones

First Kids

These classes meet upstairs in our secure Community Outreach Center (COC). The COC is the building behind our Worship Center. These rooms have been recently updated and provide a great learning environment for your kids.

Parents must drop off and pick up their children.

  • Grades 1 to 6
    • Where? Room C-208
    • Led by Stephanie and Curtis Shaw, and Carol Thornsberry

Betty Austin
Children’s Division Director

First Students

Our staff and volunteers desire to guide students in their developing years into a life-changing relationship with Christ. Whether through Sunday morning Life Group bible studies, retreats, or fun weekly activities, we engage your student in a personal and positive way. Both High School and Middle School students meet for Life Groups at 9:30 a.m. in the Youth room on the 3rd floor of the Worship Center Building

Who? Grades 7 to 12
Where? Room 305
Led by Joel Johnson, Laura Johnson

Shepherd's Flock (Special Needs)

Our Shepherd's Flock class, designed for individuals with special needs, offers a warm and supportive environment. Our dedicated teachers engage students with teaching, music, and crafts, providing a space where everyone can learn and grow in their faith.

Who? All Ages
Where? Room B-3
Led by Sandra Cooper

Operation Christmas Child

First Baptist members are dedicated to collecting and providing for shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child all through the year.

Each shoebox you pack helps a local church around the world tell a child about Jesus, God’s Greatest Gift. Many of them will grow in their faith and learn how to tell friends and family about Him through our discipleship program called The Greatest Journey. In a new initiative, we are going island to island in the Pacific to take the Gospel to a half a million children over the next few years, as part of our commitment to “proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15, ESV).

Get in on the excitement of sending a shoebox in Jesus’ Name to children who have not heard about Him!

Truth Academy

Truth Academy is a homeschool association meeting every Monday and Wednesday during the week. Intense study with a pool of 16 qualified teachers makes Truth Academy a worthwhile alternative for homeschooling parents.

View the parent calendar.

Principal Carla Groves welcomes your inquiries. For more information, visit or call Truth Academy at 417-839-8492.

Preschool Academy

The downtown preschool for James River Church meets here Monday through Friday during the school year. Children come to a secure, locked area with beautiful rooms and fun playground in which to learn and play. The teachers are employed with James River Church. We enjoy a great partnership with them to bless the little ones in Jesus’ Name.

The Preschool Academy follows the Springfield Public School’s academic calendar and classes are held Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

For more information, visit or Contact Us.

Meet the teachers!

James River Preschool Academy Teachers

American Heritage Girls

First Baptist hosts a local troop of the American Heritage Girls.

“The American Heritage Girls Program enables a girl to grow in her FAITH, cultivate a heart for SERVICE, and have more FUN than she can imagine!”

Trail Life USA

We are proud to host the only local troop in Springfield of Trail Life USA for young men.

Our Mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, server others, and experience outdoor adventure.

Our vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.